Conference and Job Fair
Lean + Agile DC
September 27, 2023
Valo Park,
7950 Jones Branch Dr,
McLean, VA 22102
Agility in the
Making it to the
Promised Land
Two decades ago Agile methods spread like wildfire in IT, sweeping the world with rapid delivery and launching us towards a promised land of increased value and improved customer satisfaction. Today, organizations strive for end-to-end agility across the enterprise but run into familiar and persistent challenges.
Have you ever wondered how much further you could go if your executives really understood and embraced their role in driving agility in the enterprise?
Agile teams are capable of great things, and Agile organizations can be so much more.
What if you could get customer feedback on your products within hours of developing them instead of waiting for weeks or even months?
Have you already seen your IT delivery cycle outstrip the speed of your business partners resulting in wasted cycles?
You're not alone; many organizations are facing these challenges that prevent us from making it to the promised land.
We're failing to create smooth, end to end flow of customer value across multiple silos. We're simultaneously failing to create an adaptive organizational structure that hinders rapid decision making and unleashes the power of our agile teams.
to drive executive understanding and sponsorship.
to increase business participation in the delivery cycle.
to strengthen the feedback loop by introducing technical capabilities like DevOps.
We will also explore structuring our organizations in ways that accelerate decision-making and increase organizational resilience.
Hear from and connect with many private and public sector leaders who are driving agility in their enterprises Including